Popular Nollywood actor, Lateef Adedimeji, has shared his experience of being underpaid for his work in the film industry. In a recent podcast appearance on ‘Deep Dive’ with Teju Babyface, Adedimeji revealed that he received very low pay for his lead roles in the early days of his career.
According to Adedimeji, in 2014, he was paid as little as N4,000 to N10,000 for a lead role, which he attributed to the learning process. He stated that it wasn’t until 2015/2016 that he started receiving higher pay, ranging from N100,000 to N200,000 per role.
Adedimeji’s revelation highlights the challenges faced by actors in the Nigerian film industry, including underpayment and undervaluation of their work. His story serves as a testament to the progress he has made in his career and the need for fair compensation for actors’ talents and contributions.