As I was passing through Stratford in London this afternoon, some Islamic ministers engaged me in a theological argument about the person of Jesus Christ. They said that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. They displayed their banner affirming their statement. They said I should ask them why Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.

I know there is a great difference between religion and spirituality. I was convinced that they were preaching religion and not spirituality but I asked them why they said that Islam was the fastest growing religion in the world.

Their answer is that they are preaching the Truth but all other religions are preaching falsehood. The first question they asked me was whether Jesus Christ is God.

I asked whether they believed the writings of Isaiah who is one of the Holy Prophets of Islam. They said that they believed in Isaiah’s writings. Then, I quoted Isaiah 9:6 and there was some confusion.

Their leader asked how could a person born as a child be called the Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Wonderful, Counsellor, Prince of Peace. How could he be a child as well as the Mighty God and Everlasting Father? If that is true, it means that God has a beginning and therefore he is a creature. They asked whether I believed that Jesus Christ was a Prophet.

I told them that the Person who is called Jesus Christ in English and Yeshua Hamashiac in Hebrew was 100% man on earth but he was God in the beginning who took the form of man and was born as a man to redeem mankind, and pay the penalty for sin with his own blood, but now he has gone back to his original Throne and Glory as the Mighty God and Everlasting Father. I told them that Jesus Christ had three Offices as Prophet, Priest and King but each office in its own dispensation.

He came as a man and ministered as a Prophet in Judaism under the dispensation of law. He became the High Priest on the Cross of Calvary and sacrificed himself and sealed the New Covenant with his own blood leading to the New Covenant Way of Worship called Christianity under the dispensation of grace. He shall come again, not as a Prophet or Priest but as the King in the next dispensation.

The New Covenant Way of Worship called Christianity started from the Cross. Before the Cross, the people were under the Dispensation of Law and worshipped in the religion called Judaism.

They said that they would not believe it. How was it possible for God to take the form of man and be born into this world? Then, I told them to go and ask Isaiah who is one of the Holy Prophets of Islam. Yeshua Hamashiac is the way, the truth and life, and nobody can have Eternal Life without him. End of Discussion. Emeka Emekesiri, Apostle of Jesus Christ.

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