NLC commences Nationwide strike todayThe Nigerian Labour Congress has declared a Nationwide strike which started today being Tuesday, 14th of November.

NLC commences Nationwide strike todayThe Nigerian Labour Congress has declared a Nationwide strike which started today being Tuesday, 14th of November.

the strike comes as a result of the manhandling of the unions president Joe Ajero in Imo State, whom the Union claims was beaten up by thugs loyal to the Imo State governor Hope Uzodinma. according to a statement it posted on its twitter handle it says ” 1THERE IS NOTHING POLITICAL IN DEMANDING, THAT WORKERS OWED OVER 31 MONTHS OF SALARY SHOULD BE PAID2 THERE IS NOTHING POLITICAL IN DEMANDING, THAT WORKERS RIGHT BE RESPECTED3 THERE IS NOTHING POLITICAL IN DEMANDING, THE RECALL OF OVER TEN THOUSAND WORKERS THAT WERE UNJUSTLY DECLARED AS GHOST WORKERS IN IMO STATE”NLC/TUC NATIONWIDE STRIKE ACTION: A GENTLE REMINDERthe union further stated that “In furtherance to the decision of the Joint National Executive Council (NEC) of NLC and TUC, all workers in Nigeria are hereby directed to withdraw their services effective 12:00 midnight today, 13th November 2023.

Consequently, all affiliates and state councils of NLC/TUC are directed to issue circulars for maximum compliance and these circulars be made available to the National Secretariats or posted to the NEC and CWC Whatsapp Platforms.

While we shall update you with developments as they unfold, do remain assured of our commitment to Nigerian workers and people.”

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