The black community in the United Kingdom has announced plans to protest the assault on a black schoolboy by a white teenage boy. Benjamin Kuti, also known as Oluomo of Derby and President of Nigerians in the UK, shared the news on his X (formerly Twitter) page on Sunday, stating that the protest is scheduled for today (Monday).
According to Kuti, the protest will take the form of a peaceful walk from the town center to St. John Henry Newman Catholic School, where the assault occurred. He emphasized the peaceful nature of the walk and mentioned that the police have granted clearance for the event, welcoming participation from BAME individuals.
The Cumbria Police in the UK confirmed the arrest of the white teenage boy involved in the assault, as captured in a viral video. The incident took place at St. John Henry Newman Catholic School in Carlisle.
In a statement posted on its Facebook page on Saturday, the Cumbria Police addressed the arrest, urging the community not to further circulate the video to avoid hindering legal proceedings or identifying the children involved.
This incident follows a previous occurrence in September 2023 when a video surfaced showing a female sports official skipping a black girl, who was among the medalists at an Irish tournament. Gymnastics Ireland issued a public apology in response to allegations of racism from the girl’s parents.
Credit: Punch News